Call for Pitches: The SolutionsPaper

Dataphyte, Nairametrics, reporter, Pitches
Photo source: Lars Kristian Flem

The SolutionsPaper (TSP) is inviting emerging journalists, student journalists and freelance journalists to pitch solutions oriented stories that border on elections/electoral and good governance issues.

Interested journalists should use our in-house pitch template to pitch their stories. Only solutions and constructive focused story pitches on elections/electoral or good governance issues will be considered.

The SolutionsPaper is a pan African multimedia outlet leveraging solutions and constructive journalism to engender civic participation in solving development and societal problems across Africa.

Closing Date: 31 March 2023


  1. Pitches must be solutions journalism compliant
  2. Pitches must focused on elections/electoral or good governance issues
  3. Student and emerging journalists will be given preference
  4. Pitches must be focused on Nigeria or an African country

Contributor Rate

N30,000 ($65) for feature solutions focused stories, generally 1,500 words or less

To pitch, download and use our in-house pitch template here. Send pitches to


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